Wednesday, June 3, 2009


There are 3 workmen in the bathroom- sheetrock and tile BOTH going up today!!

Will update later!!

Update: The tiler is rude and things weren't exactly to his liking, so he left. no tile today- but he will be back tomorrow morning.  consequently, the pictures will be less exciting this evening.

5:30 pm: 

David, the kind contractor, managed to get all of the greenrock (sheetrock for a bathroom) up today.  It will still be several more days before they actually look like walls, but at least we have structure!

All the tile is purchased and will be ready to put down tomorrow.  The tile guy has promised to be here at 8 am...we will see if that happens. Fingers always crossed. 

Here are two basic pictures of the bathroom: 

That is really it for today. 

 I know Ellie said she would give you a tour of the backyard...but it seems she has imbibed in one too many martinis.  


  1. tell ellie i know the feeling.

  2. the color of greenrock reminds me of Tiffany blue...ahhh

    ellie bellie --- bless your heart!
