Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day Two and Laundry Room

So, today was not as significant as yesterday.  Still. Progress was made- the overhang thing (see above picture of exhaust fan hanging from ceiling) is completely gone, which really opens everything up.  The closet structure is also gone, which allows the door to open all the way.  Such beauty in the little things. 

Also, all the pink tile is completely gone- no more around the base of the floor or anywhere :) except.  the little piece that I saved from a reminder.

The Laundry Room

Since there is not much to show in the bathroom, I will show you the laundry room!
When Patrick and I walked through the house for the first time, we were IN LOVE- what could possibly be wrong with it...there must be something...something....something. oh. wait.

Of course, I do not have a picture of it. But. The washer and dryer were not in the house.  Where? are? they?  annnnnnnnd. dealbreaker.  We found them in a small, dark, damp storage closet in the carport.   

Patrick and I started brainstorming.  My first idea? Cut a hole in the wall and make a door from the dining room to the storage room.  Shot down immediately.  My second idea? Buy fresh underwear on a weekly basis. No?  Well, I'm not going to go outside in the middle of winter to get a wayward sock. 

Alllllmost a dealbreaker.  Luckily, we are smarter than we appear. and we saw this: 

This is a kitchenette (complete with a sink that is hidden behind Patrick's dollhouse) that took up a wall in the sunroom.  We decided to tear this sucker out and build a laundry closet.  Within 48 hours of closing on the house,  the cabinets were gone, and the plumber and electrician had done their thing.  Three days later, we had this: 

At some point, we will paint the sunroom and the closet will look like it has always been there.  
PERFECT!  No excuses for not doing laundry, though. 

That's it for today.... I'm sure there will be something tomorrow :) 

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. i hope you saved me some of the pink tile ...i'm SURE there is something i can make out of it to sell on etsy....
